Sunday, June 07, 2009

I wrote this guest commentary on Paulick Report: GUEST COMMENTARY - SELLING HORSES BY THE POUND.

And here are a couple of comments from someone who disagrees with me:

I never bothered to read the article. More drivel. Hopefully Paulick will one day highlight what this naive activist, who strikes comments he dislikes from his website, and also the anti-slaughter political groupies, have done to horses generally. tens of thousands suffer neglect and abuse due to these idiots. Alex Brown needs to get out more. Walk through some show barn and look at the condition of OTB horses. The sad truth: most of them would be better off dead.


Jstarj and joe–you mistake our positions. Does anyone support inhumane slaughter or transport? Yet most that understands horses supports humane slaughter. Unfortunately the horse understanding public–which fails to include Alex Brown, btw, who is an internet business man trying to prove the power of the website and taking advantage of all of his girls of all ages psyches that sit there, is but the minority in an onslaught of emotional self deception concerning horse welfare. Most horse owners are pro horse welfare and pro-slaughter. There are subtle reasons for this position which involve an option to abuse inclined owners (the vast majority who own OTB horses–they dabble, then forget or are unable to afford what they buy) to take the horse to the sale with the idea that it “might” be bought. Either way it puts that animal in the dark back end of the show barn surviving on a couple of flakes a day and a can of oats, if its lucky, a better option. That’s the reality. Difficult to understand unless you’ve been there, unfortunately.


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