I need to remember never to get into an e-mail exchange with someone I banned from ABR! The following is the final e-mail I received:
Just catching up on emails and what do I find but this...
To paraphrase you..."you just don't get it." How childish. And you call yourself an adult? That is typical Alex Brown... Oh. And, XXX will find out very quickly that you forwarded her personal email to me without her permission. She can do with that what she wishes.
So, to answer your question (yes, unlike you, I answer all questions that are asked of me)... XXX does what XXX wants to do. As do I. I don't need anyone to fight my battles for me. I can very easily fight my own.
Furthermore, you aren't a battle worth fighting. You are a little bug that just needs a big shoe to step on it. You've alienated much of the industry, and most of the good people who are the FOB's whether or not they are still on your forum. Your day will come, and when it does, remember... you chose your own path.
You are insecure, and you gain confidence in the "power" you think you have over people on the forum.
You have no credibility with honorable people because you change the rules as you go, to suit your own agenda.
You open your mouth and stick your foot in it more times than I can count. And you never make a public apology. I don't know that you've ever used the words, "I apologize". In the mediocre quasi-apologies you've written to people that you've abused in haste - including me more than once. You've never came out and said you were sorry. It takes a big person to do that. Another AB character flaw.
Many of us can't wait for you to close that forum down. You have made it a joke. The Fans of Barbaro are stifled by your inconsistencies and lack of respect for individuals, and individual opinions. The industry doesn't respect you as a member. You've deleted my post to XXXX which stated that it's a shame that people can't express their opinions in a free society, and shame on the person who decided to lambaste him today for supporting me. Your forum is a dictatorship. I fondly ;-) coined the nickname Napoleon for you, but now, I think Stalin is more fitting. In the world of Alex Brown, if it doesn't suit your agenda, or it rubs your nickers the wrong way, you wield that big fat wand of control and start threatening people. What a concept! If we piss you off, you threaten us with the land of the banned. I certainly didn't lose any sleep over it. Unfortunately, some of them fall right into your little trap. They apologize to you and make you feel important, and then you grant them that all so important abiility to continue to post in a group that THEY should have more say in. You certainly don't deserve the honor of hosting that group of people, who are...by the way, good, fine people for the most part.
Oh...back to XXX. I think she makes a good point. So, are you going to answer her truthfully? Your actions regarding those people are just another of your many inconsistencies in your attempt at managing the forum and controlling it's members.
I and many others know that taking over the FOB's from Tim Wooley has nothing to do with saving horses. This forum is a means to an end for you and you have had an agenda from day one. Once your book is out (if it's published), many questions will be answered. I am amazed that there has not been more public comment regarding the not so coincidental closing of the board, and release of that book you wrote.
Good Luck to you...you're going to need it.
I can only guess who wrote that and if I'm right I don't much care for them, but I do agree with every word they wrote to you.
Alex, I am grateful to you for ABR, because many horses' lives were saved. But there is much more to rescue that unfortunately you and ABR just could not or would not embrace, and many horses' lives were destroyed as well for that reason.
Those who genuinely love horses will be there for them.
Ego destroys as many horses as a captive bolt.
But there are horses alive today who would have long been dead were it not for ABR.
You have taken the bait from the very people who kill horses. To shut the messageboard will cause great harm to a community. Can't you see how they taunt you with private emails? Once you turn off that messageboard, it will be the final chapter in your book! Is that how you wish to be remembered?
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