Tuesday, March 01, 2005

currently in the UK, but mad busy working on this class: http://buad477.blogspot.com. I am sssooooo grateful for learning about news aggregators and specifically bloglines.com. we have 80 or so students in the class, and each is assigned, as a term project, to create a blog, i could not imagine trying to manage this without bloglines telling me when something has been updated etc. BRILLIANT ... (now if only they had a feature that listed in date the site was last updated on the left hand frame where it lists the site in bold when it has been updated).

i LOVE bloglines!

The 'keep new' feature has changed how i can read a web-site. sites like slashdot are pretty useless to me under normal circumstances as i do not visit often enough, and no doubt i miss some awesome discussions. with bloglines i can quickly glance at all new posts since i was last there and check 'keep new' the articles i want to read for later, store things more permanently if i know i am going to reference them later etc. i just think this feature is AWESOME and helps me plough through BBC, CNN etc. etc. now i don't miss an article, and don't worry about visiting the sites all the time!