projects for this semester...
I will begin teaching Infotechmarketing at Delaware again in a few days. One of the projects I am considering is a project aligned with wikipedia.
Now I am thinking aloud, so any feedback would be much appreciated!
Each student selects x articles from wikipedia, that they plan to edit. I need to approve. Articles must be on topics the students are passionate about, have some significant knowledge. Each article can only be selected by one student.
Students are required to make x edits to each article throughout the course of the semester. Edits will be required by certain times throughout the course (i.e. not all edits can occur in the last week.) There will be some requirement as to what constitutes an edit.
Each time a student makes an edit, he / she will blog about the edit. What he / she did, why etc (each student will be running a blog for the course).
At the end of the semester the student will blog about the evolution of the article, from the time of the first student edit until the end of the course.
To begin the project each student will sign up for an account. Each article selected will be added to their watchlist so they can follow additional edits etc. Other school projects for wikipedia can be found here.
OK, any feedback would be much appreciated.