Sunday, September 04, 2005

group project ideas ...
I need to come up with a better idea to get my group project work started. The scope of the project is detailed here under the wiki heading.

I plan to have each chapter space include two headings: 'Team Introduction' and 'Article Summaries'. I have to determine what needs to be included in the 'Team Introduction' section. The goal of this section is to allow each team member to get started (initial entry should be easy to get students going), add some information about him / herself, and continue to edit this section until the end of the semester.

I am thinking a quick bio from each, which should include certain elements (such as major, goals upon graduation, interests outside of class)and then a plan to discover common themes, other than they are University of Delaware students. I think the section should have a criteria for number of words in total at the end of the semester, number of words for the initial entry of each student, and the number of edits, potentially. Anyway, I think this is an important segment to get them going, so if anyone has any ideas, it would be appreciated ...

For the article summaries aspect of the project, I am wondering if each student should simply add their summaries to the initial page (i.e. ChapterOne) or whether each student should create his / her own page using the convention ChapterOneLastname It might be easier for me to determine who has edited and updated what if each students' work is associated with one page. The downside appears only to be the students will have to create a page, but I think this is pretty straightforward (of course I could also create all these pages). Any thoughts ? is the wiki